Wednesday, 13 April 2011
6:40 PM
2nd day in Rome drawing to close, and I've been content to not wander, remain in the Stazione Termini area. Certainly not the most beautiful face of Bella Roma, but definitely interesting. Thank God I thoroughly explored the city and savored all the wonderful sites and treasures in numerous trips of years past. This time I merely want to rest before venturing on to less demanding locations.
Because my room is so quiet, I'd assumed Hotel Piram had few guests, but colazione this morning was jammed with hundreds of tourists gorging huge breakfasts before venturing out to encompass ALL of Rome in a few days. I've never before seen so many obese gentlemen consume so much food at any one sitting. Gentlemen of many nationalities as evidenced by languages overheard.
Enroute to Stazione Termini to check train schedules, a sudden excruciatingly painful leg cramp forced me to sit at a sidewalk cafe table and wait until spasms subsided enough to rise and continue walking. Young merrymakers at other tables were oblivious to an anguished old man. Reminded me of the time I had to stop for a similar recuperative break when with son Ruan in the Baja more than 2 years ago (and the security of having family at hand on that occasion). But, bottom line, I'm mightily impressed with the fact that I've walked more in the past few days, and without serious physical stress, than I have in the past 4+ years since openheart surgery. Don't know Rome's elevation above sea level, but whatever it is, it's good for breathing.
The proud and polished deskclerk here at Hotel Piram was a bit standoffish with me, as with others, just one more foreigner, until he took a second look at my name. "Andrea Bacigalupa!" he exclaimed, "Che bel nome. E di Ligura, non e vero?" The name and the bronze cross I made and wear ease a lot encounters with Italians.
Still not fully cognizant of internet service at Hotel Piram. As before, am writing while at a table in the reception salon, yet denied online access in my room on a personal iPad or PC.
Go early domani mattina to Stazione Termini and surrender myself to Assistenza there. Assume personnel will assist me via wheelchair, as they did Ellen when we were here together last, through the throngs, down the long boarding platforms, and use a chairlift to hoist passenger and baggage above the coach steps to coach door. Have a reserved seat on the train, and am eagerly looking forward to seeing once more the astounding beauty of the approach to Costiera Amalfitana.
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